Online Education

Assisted Range of Motion Exercises for Arms and Legs to Maintain Joint Flexibility

Table of content

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  1. Title Page
  2. Why use assisted range of motion exercises?
  3. When should you use assisted range of motion exercises?
  4. Where should you do assisted range of motion exercises?
  5. Who should perform assisted range of motion exercises?
  6. How often should you do assisted range of motion exercises?
  7. How do you do assisted range of motion exercises?
  8. How do you do assisted range of motion exercises?
  9. What if the limb is spastic?
  10. What if the limb is very flaccid?
  11. A word of caution
  12. Body mechanics
  13. Introduction
  14. Hip and knee flexion
  15. Hamstring stretch
  16. Hip rotation
  17. Heel cord stretch
  18. Heel cord stretch (continued)
  19. Lower back
  20. Shoulder elevation
  21. Shoulder abduction
  22. Shoulder horizontal adduction
  23. Shoulder external and internal rotation
  24. Elbow extension and flexion
  25. Forearm pronation and supination
  26. Wrist extension and flexion
  27. Finger flexion and extension
  28. Web space of thumb
  29. Reminders
  30. Acknowledgements
  31. Contact information